Learn the Native American practice of the Medicine Wheel. Use the Four Directions for balance and healing. Use this sacred tool to recognize places in your life where more balance is needed. Practice problem solving for yourself and others. Attend a day with this focus at Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Center in Wheatland, IA on July 8, 2017. Fee: $20.
This will be a great get away day. At The Prairie you can walk the labyrinth, relax and be into the countryside a bit–yet it is only 45 minutes from the Quad Cities. Get good information that will last you a lifetime. Enjoy the great lunch of home-grown and local, organic food included in the day.
Find more information here: http://chmiowa.org/news-and-events/calendar/event/49
Call 563-336-8414 to reserve your place. (pre-registration required by 3 days prior)