"I cannot believe how fortunate I was to be here with a fabulous instructor and wonderful group of participants! Well done!"
"I really feel like the class has opened me up on a lot of things." participants of CommUniversity 2024 class, Kathleen Collins instructor
I got what I needed out of our sessions and I will hang onto your information. You are incredibly good at what you do and I believe I will benefit from this for years to come. I will be certain to pass your name along to other people. male 40 years old 2024
I want to continue with the group because it is an honor to sit with you and learn from you. We are blessed to have you in the area. I think that the knowledge you are imparting on us is some of the most important stuff one can come to know and the knowing benefits not only me as an individual, but has a ripple effect in my home, family, workplace, community, and even past generations! It's priceless. Lindsay 2023
WOW! Thank you for bringing us all together this weekend! Your wisdom takes us to our true path. (signed) Roo 2023
I attended Kathleen’s Chakra Workshop in September 2023. Her ability to teach a profoundly complex subject to a diverse, multi-level group is a gift. I gained a much richer understanding of chakras than I could’ve hoped for, and a renewed sense of energy and excitement. In the two weeks following the workshop, I booked a Power Animal reading and a Soul Retrieval session. I’ve received more insight into myself than ever before and the feeling is indescribable. Gratitude to Kathleen for what she has brought to me! -Isabella
I am beyond grateful for the clarity you gifted me only moments ago. I feel like I have been seen for the first time in this lifetime and my empowerment seems to course through me. I feel the pieces of me returning with justice. 2023 KA Nebraska
Each time you present to us, (we) come away thinking “wow, this was the best one of all! and it happened again this time ( :
You are a fabulous presenter and (we) just love how you engaged the audience in a workshop-style format. (We) also loved the drums and the welcoming drum as people entered. At some time in the future, (we’d) love to hear the Ma’at program-maybe in 2019, 2020?
~IONSQC Community Group
I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me and my emotional well-being, keeping me grounded these past few years. There has been so much positive change in my life to be grateful about these past few months, even more so, past week. None of which would have been possible without you helping me see reason, understanding, and creating the drive to continuing. Thank you for being there, listening, and guiding me without directing me ~male during divorce and job change age 50+
We have been blessed as a family to have met Kathleen! We have all had Power Animal sessions with her and not only is it just plain fun but we have bonded over our animal family, too.
We are keenly aware of our animal friends around us and the messages that they bring us everyday.
~"S" Family, Davenport
My daughter is really embracing her Turtle. We had a big discussion last night about the meaning of it all. So many things make sense now. So, as her mom: thank you! I will be a better mom to her because of it! ~Kristin Layer, Moline, Illinois
There is something very special about entering into the healing experience with Kathleen. I began working with her by learning about my power animal, which was transformative in providing self-knowledge and confidence. From there, I was able to move forward in a journey toward better mental health and joy. Kathleen provides many different tools as a therapist, and she is a bright light during our sessions. I appreciate her worldly views on mental health, her objective take on various life situations and her ability to help me see the best in myself and other people. Having her as a therapist has literally changed my perspective on life.
After having minor outpatient surgery, my daughter was not herself. I talked to her physicians and was just ignored. She was having night terrors (she never did prior to the surgery). She wouldn’t sleep if she wasn’t touching her father or myself. Everyday when I dropped her off at preschool she came unglued and begged me not to go. She had never acted like this. She wasn’t the happy, smiling, silly child that we knew. I was heartbroken and didn’t know what to do. Four weeks post-op, a friend referred me to Kathleen. It changed everything for us. After Kathleen did a mini-soul retrieval, our little one slept through the night without any terrors (the first time in over a month). And, within a week, she was sleeping alone in her own bed again. Six weeks later she was back to being herself. I don’t know what would have happened if we hadn’t been introduced to Kathleen. I’m so grateful that she was able to help us get our beautiful, bubbly, happy little girl back!
Kathleen Collins is a unique and gifted healer. She is not only well versed in traditional Western psychology, but also in Shamanic and intuitive methods of healing. Kathleen listens well and is able to hear what you say even when you are not sure what you are saying. She does not do the work for you, but gives you the tools that you need so that you are able to do your own work and find your own answers. Her guidance empowers.
She not only provides individual guidance, but also works in the community in the journeying group and in the seminars that she offers to the community. In whichever way she works with you—individually or in group, you feel that she is present to you in a very personal yet very professional way. Although she has been in practice for more than twenty years, she continues to learn herself as she explores new ways to help all those who find their way to her practice.
If you truly want to be healed and to find your way along your own path, Kathleen Collins offers a variety of ways to search for your answers.
June 2017
Kathleen Collins is a kind, caring teacher and counselor. Her insightful leadership offers a safe, supportive environment in which to learn and grow. Journeying to discover a greater sense of Self in the Universe has been a joy and delight. I recommend her services to all who choose the path of transformational healing.
~Dr. Jenna Hobbins Davenport IA
I would say it was a life-altering experience for me! Thank you so much. I didn’t mention it when we were there, but when you were drumming, my spirit just got up and started dancing ecstatically. Yes, ecstasy–it was beautiful!
~Dr Rosalyn Rossignol, Virgin Islands
I have been a client of Kathleen’s for about four months. I have seen a number of different therapists off and on since I was a teenager (I am now 51). I have been blessed with having had wonderfully gifted therapists. But there hasn’t been anyone like Kathleen.
I knew very quickly that she was what I was looking for in a therapist: kind, empathetic, intuitive and extremely knowledgeable. She does just the right amount of listening, informing and helping me find my own answers. She does it all with a refreshing sense of humor that reminds me that the quest for self knowledge and peace can and should be filled with joy.
I love that she has experience and tools/modalities in so many areas. She is not only an amazing therapist, but a powerful guide and teacher. In four short months of seeing her only a handful of times, I am feeling powerful shifts in my life. I honestly feel so lucky to have found her and can’t recommend her enough.
I came to see you with my brother and his wife in 2017 for our power animal retrieval. It’s a memory that has lived with me for a very very long time. I could not believe how accurate, and deep the meanings and descriptions of all of our power animals were. For years I have explained that day we all had with you and we all relive that experience from time to time during our talks with each other.
~Cory, 2023
Kathleen is amazingly gentle and can help you understand things with a word or two that makes you go “Whoa…why didn’t I think of that?” She instinctively leads you in the direction you need for the questions you have at that time. She can help you look inside yourself to understand your personal depth and mirrors and helps makes you a more grounded connected individual.
I have been studying and going to Kathleen for many years, and I am a different, better person. She has helped me find “me” in a gentle, kind and a very effective way. She is always available for me when I need her and teaches me how to figure things out for myself by directing me to the answers I need to understand. I would recommend her to anyone.
~Ann Pilichowski
I had a great experience visiting Kathleen. We traveled many miles from another state to visit her and it was well worth it. I made contact with my spirit animal, retrieved wayward fragments of my spirit, and have been propelled forward in the journey to self improvement and empowerment. I have also struggled with meditation for many years. Since my visit I have found success in meditation with the shamanic drumming methods recommended by Kathleen. I also continue with success in contacting and interacting with my spirit animal.
~Matt H
~My first meeting with Kathleen validated that what I hear, see and know are correct. Each time we meet my intuition skills have grow and have been tested to confirm what messages I am getting are not just me making things up. I’m excited to see what the future holds.
I am feeling some amazing results! The first week was incredible! On my drive home from Davenport, I could LITERALLY feel the pain and frustration I’d been harboring for so long, slowly lifting and leaving my body… and then for about the next 5 days after that, I had the most amazing euphoric feeling, all of the energetic constraints I’d been feeling over the past several years were gone – it’s like a HUGE weight had been lifted off my shoulders. And then on the 6th day, I got hit with depression that sort of plummeted me into the depths of hell….. It took a couple of days to bounce back, but I did. And over the course of the next two weeks, it was an up and down balancing act of my energy. I felt another surge of my power coming back to me on Saturday night and Sunday, and yesterday I was a power house! I got so much accomplished yesterday, and even started writing up my goals for next year – which I haven’t done in a long time!
For the last two years I’ve had two ribs that have been out, and have been causing me a lot of pain. My chiropractor can’t seem to get them to stay in place. After the first night, they both slipped back into place all by themselves! I was so RELIEVED! I couldn’t believe it! However, one of the ribs has slipped back out over the course of this past week, but the other one is still in place. So, I’m calling that a win!
So, yes, I’ve had some really amazing results! I feel more like myself than I have in years. I will probably want to do another session with you in January or February. (Maybe we can do something about that other rib that is out.)
Thanks so much! I’m so glad I found you!
~Carla Ackley
Many years ago I felt like there was something missing in my life. I had spent years working on myself and dealing with my issues, and still there felt like there was something that was eluding me. A friend suggested I contact Kathleen Collins for a Soul Retrieval session. That session was the beginning of a new way of life for me. It was like she had given me the missing piece.
Since that time, I’ve continued working with Kathleen, and I have found my passion and purpose in life. Kathleen has become a mentor, friend, and a major support in my life.
I have connected with my power animal, which has proven to give me that greater understanding of myself that I had always been looking for; it explains so much. I have also connected with my spiritual teachers and ancestors in a way that I never expected and that brings me so much joy and completeness.
Before going to Kathleen, I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, but with her help, assistance and guidance I am now in a career that I love. I have found an inner peace and a better understanding of myself, other people and the world. Working with Kathleen has been the best thing that has ever happened to me!
Kathleen has been a compassionate guide as I struggle for healing, health, and well-being. I went to her as a skeptic and became a believer in her methods because of results.
~Margaret Ristau
I always get a lot of positive feedback from your teaching and sharing the Shamanistic experience. It is something so different from what they have ever experienced, it really opens up their minds and thoughts beyond what they previously thought about religion. Thanks so much for your faithfulness.
~Pastor Ed Hedding, teacher of World Religions
On several occasions over the years I have come to Kathleen Collins in a state of emotional upheaval and spiritual discomfort due to tragic or challenging events in my life. Each time, Kathleen’s training in counseling, coupled with her knowledge of and expertise in the complementary approaches of shamanic healing, has brought me to a place of clarity, acceptance, hope, and illumination.
Her intuitive ability to help unravel the knots in my understanding of my own circumstances has every time set me upon a path of better understanding and clearer focus and intent. I have relied upon her wisdom and compassion at each crossroads of my life and will continue to do so as each new challenge rises in front of me.
I am profoundly grateful to Kathleen for her intelligence, availability, desire to help, and unique and effective approaches.
~V.B., age 54, Rock Island, IL
At my first session with Kathleen, I was severely depressed, and suffering from a bad case of “empty nest syndrome”. I had given my all in raising two children to be happy, well adjusted, and successful young adults, and had lost myself somewhere along the way. Within 20 minutes of that first session, Kathleen “got” me—she seemed to understand what I needed. I inquired about finding my spirit animal, and learned how to journey. I had a soul retrieval session, and all of this combined has had a huge impact on my life outlook. I am much more centered; and can say for the first time in my life that I am comfortable in my own skin. I have attended two of the drum circle meetings, and plan to attend many more. I suffer from chronic back pain and nerve pain, and I can honestly say that after journeying each and every day, I have cut down my use of painkillers by two-thirds. Thank you, Kathleen, for facilitating a quality of life I never thought possible!
~Debra Towler
Prior to coming to Kathleen I had no prior knowledge or experience working with a shaman. Kathleen has been such a huge guide in helping me better understand who I am by connecting me with my spirit animal and through my soul retrieval. It was such an incredible and fun experience that I have since recommended to many friends and family members, who all feel the same! What Kathleen is able to do and help you better understand to heal is truly amazing and hard to put into words. Not only were these experiences so essential in helping me move forward in life, but the entire process was so simple, you just have to show up, believe and open your heart and mind. I would highly encourage everyone to give it a try and have been telling everyone I know regardless of where they “are” in life that they need to make a visit to Kathleen.
I had sought Kathleen out because of her extensive holistic background. When I learned of my brother’s diagnosis, I knew that the events that were about to occur would be much larger than I could (should) have to deal with alone. Kathleen was there every step of the way, not only guiding me and helping me deal with my emotions and sadness, but sharing some of her personal experiences so I didn’t feel so alone.
Unfortunately, my hero, my big brother, passed six months after his diagnosis. That was not a lot of time to prepare. Her guidance helped me understand the healing process and the spiritual world. Over a year later, and I still connect with Kathleen as time allows to cleanse my spirit and to ensure I am traveling down the right path…my spiritual path.
~M. A. Mallette
Journey drumming and soul retrieval released old and new grief and helped me heal and become more whole. Kathleen brings a lot of experience and tools to therapy.
~Little Fox, Davenport IA
I came across Kathleen on line in search for someone to help me though a break up I was going through. I had never gotten out of a relationship in a healthy way and felt I needed to find someone to talk to. She was welcoming, warm, and did not judge. My experience with Kathleen is like no other counselor I had been to. After a couple of sessions I came to realize she did shamanic work. I feel that Kathleen has helped me by showing me how to find the answers within myself. She never tells what to do, just helps open the mind to empower yourself back up and to find your own strength to do what needs to be done. I am thankful to have found her in this time in my life. I did successfully get out of that unhealthy relationship but in a healthy way. Kathleen’s advice reminds me to stay strong to the growth I have progressed to, and to remember that I am never alone.
~S.Godoy, age 25, Rock Island
I have had the privilege of working with Kathleen for many years. I have
learned so much from her. One of the most powerful tools I have learned
from Kathleen is journeying. Journeying is another way for me to connect
with God and all of the spiritual help that God offers. I have gained
wonderful insights from journeying — information that has helped me
better deal with my health issues and with life in general. Kathleen is
a real treasure and a true blessing.
~Connie Lannan, Geneseo
Kathleen is one of those once in a lifetime people who come into your life at the right time. During my divorce she was my confidant, healer and inspiration. Kathleen gave me goals to achieve during my healing process. I didn’t realize that divorce was so much like death and I needed to grieve. Kathleen is a great advocate on healing from within and taught me how to have boundaries. I would highly recommend her to anyone I know.
~Ron Coder
Shortly after I retired I was beginning to feel a bit depressed, like “is this all there is?” I had a long list of things I wanted to do once I retired, but found myself feeling stuck with no motivation. More than anything I wanted to feel alive again.
From my very first meeting with Kathleen, my energy and focus began to change and come alive. She helped me reconnect to that which is good in my life, to make a daily intention, and to act on it.
I have continued to meet with Kathleen. She has introduced me to my Spirit Animal, performed soul retrieval, and helped me to experience what it is like to journey in search of my own answers. Through all of this Kathleen has helped me realign with my true self and see with new eyes.
She is a genuinely caring teacher, with amazing knowledge and insight, and I am blessed by all the ways she helps me heal.
I have had the opportunity to take classes offered by Kathleen and would encourage anyone who is wanting to gain
understanding of themselves and dealing with situations that present themselves on a daily basis. Kathleen is a very
knowledgeable and skilled teacher. I have learned through her instruction of listening and observing that guidance from
a higher power is always available to me. The method whether you call upon a power animal or sit in the medicine wheel
or travel a path with journey drumming always brings the gift of an answer. Words that come to mind when I think of
Kathleen are: trusted, integrity, authentic, positive and encouraging. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Kathleen.
~Jane Martz
Kathleen Collins has helped me to bring to light who I am at a deeply personal level. My work with her has been empowering and often touches me so profoundly that tears spring to my eyes because I know what she tells me to be my truth. I have grown personally and spiritually as a result of the work I have done with Kathleen. From Power Animal, Soul Retrieval, Soul Essence, and time spent with her, a process of enlightenment began. She is incredibly intuitive and has very special gifts. I believe in Kathleen’s abilities so much, that I have brought my family to see her. She has been an instrument of healing for us. We are extremely fortunate to have someone with Kathleen’s vast skills here in the Midwest.
~DeAnna Crouse, Rock Island, IL
I have worked with Kathleen for almost three years now. First I learned about my power animal and that of my husband and daughter. Recently I did soul retrieval with her, and it was amazing! Learning in depth who I am and where I came from empowered me to lean into my own power. It has been amazing for my business! I began the new year with the Matte experience, releasing the heavy stuff and starating the year lighter and stronger. Each time I work with Kathleen, I feel so much lighter and more powerful. I’m always leaving with a summary of what we discussed and with a special memory to remind me of the work that we did. I have recommended Kathleen to many of my family and friends, and they have the same positive experience. She has helped put some of my worries to rest and has helped me release some old energy that no longer serves me. I’m grateful for Kathleen: her compassion and her skills. Her seminars are pretty awesome, and I look forward to doing more!
~Snapping Turtle
When I first went to visit Kathleen Collins, I was one step away from visiting a divorce lawyer. My marriage, while not awful, was not what I wanted for the next 40 years of my life. Kathleen made me feel completely at ease sharing my feelings, frustrations and fears. For the first time, I didn’t think all the problems were all my fault. Through her work, she was able to help me get back many pieces of myself that had been gone for a long time. Three weeks after Kathleen performed my first soul retrieval, I noticed that my husband and I had been getting a long better than we ever had. Our marriage, while not perfect, was great. It was the marriage that I had wanted for so many years. This change without a doubt was a result of the gifts that Kathleen brought to me and the tools that she gave/taught me. I have continued to see Kathleen regularly and have learned so much about myself. I am a better me … and a better wife, mother and human being as a result.
I’m so grateful for your attentive listening, Kathleen. And for your shamanic gift. Back in July, I was really drowning. I’m so glad I found you. Thanks for keeping me afloat, and the treading water, until I could swim again myself. I appreciated when challenged me, and applauded, and sometimes frowned, and shared my jokes. Such a relief to find my way. I’m going to super miss you. And I’m not entirely sure I’m ready yet. I’m going to try though. And keep an eye out for any classes you might offer so I can keep learning from your wisdom. Thanks so much for all you did for me, my people and animals, and our community. Love, Stacie (Davenport)