Study “The Shamanic Journey: Pathway to Knowledge & Power” with Kathleen at CommUniversity. This four-session course takes place the four Sundays in February 2022. Come to learn or deepen the knowledge you already have!
Class description:
The shamanic journey is a remarkable visionary method for entering into another reality with discipline and purpose. Using classic drumming techniques to alter consciousness, participants will be introduced to the shamanic journey to awaken one’s soul and dormant spiritual power. We will travel outside of time and space into another reality and make contact with compassionate helping spirits, such as teachers and power animals, for personal wisdom and to gain knowledge to help create a better world for yourself and others.
Bring a blanket to sit on the floor or chair, something to cover your eyes, a notebook and pen. Registration for the course: $40.
More info on this year’s CommUniversity offerings HERE. Register online HERE or call 309-796-8223 and register for CLASS ID 064.
Download a brochure about this session 2022: CommUniversity