I am offering gift certificates for this holiday season in gratitude for a beautiful year. There has been new growth, new people in my life, and also the deepening of relationships. In thanks, these prices can be for YOU as well!
I can create a gift certificate or you can create one yourself, if it is a gift. I accept PayPal to my email [ostrichkc@live.com] or checks to 3649 Cedarview Court in Bettendorf, Iowa 52722.
All my shamanic work can be done at a distance for those who do not live nearby.
Special Holiday Pricing
DISCOVERY OF POWER ANIMALS $50.00! (normally $75.00)
DIVINATION (finding answers to troublesome questions) $75 (normally $100)
DISCOVERY OF SOUL ESSENCE (depiction of the energy you manifest into the world, to empower you and assist with being on your path) $75 (normally $100)
May the holiday season connect you with others and deepen your relationship and understanding of yourself!
Kathleen Collins