COME JOIN US TO CELEBRATE THE RETURN OF THE SUN! This is an opportunity to find some calm during the rushing holiday season! Find time for your spirit! This event will be facilitated by Kathleen Collins.
Where: Benet House Rock Island 2200 88th Ave N This is just beautiful property!
WHEN: Friday, December 20 beginning at 5PM JOINING TOGETHER in a gathering.
FOOD: light meal served : soup and bread and veggies and dessert
Enjoy a Winter Solstice meditation. Attendees can offer their talents and sell gifts, as well. (Let Kathleen know what you would like to do or sell.) Drumming – Journeying – Fire ceremony – Quiet time time to chat and just be together or alone.
We will come to a ceremonial end at 9 PM.
FEE: $25 to my email via PayPal [ostrichkc@live.com] or check to: 3649 Cedarview Ct., Bettendorf 52722
OR register through the Benet House Retreat Center.